Posted by: Jane Valencia | June 27, 2010

One Story Ends …

A year and a half ago when I started Jane’s Medicine Tree I was in state of wandering and deep transition. My husband and I had surrendered to Mystery in our lives, and in our search for home had ended up in a beautiful remote rural landscape in many ways very different from what we’d ever experienced before in our lives.

At that time I severely needed to return to grounding in my soul, to recover and discover a strong, guiding story — to find my own Medicine Tree.

In this past year and a half I have indeed found new ground and restored or re-story-ed myself to my own nature. I am still very much guided by Mystery and grace and surrender, but find the journey (mostly!) to be one of joy, wonder, surprise. When the darkness and questions and pain and griefs resurface — as they always will — I know that gifts in the loss will reveal themselves, in their right timing. I know how to restore myself to the much larger reality around me — or perhaps it’s more precise to say: I know that I can find harmony within myself and with the larger creation — in time. I can trust in the process and gifts of struggle, though of course I’d prefer to live mostly in the joys!

Jane’s Medicine Tree was a wandering into my landscape of story and dreams to uncover the gold nuggets of truth that have been before me all my life. Before me all my life, but ultimately a far different more resonant expression than I’d ever dreamed. It is as if with each layer of learning and discovery we uncover ever-more potent truths about what the nature of the world really is. Or it might be more precise to say that I experience an ever more alive music, ever-richer in overtones and harmony. My questions remain and continue in cascade. The universe is a deeper mystery than ever, but I’m guided by a music, an image, a scrap of many-colored tapestry, an illuminated landscape that is the Otherworld of my heart.

It is time for me to step out of this story, and to step more resolutely, trustingly into another. A vista has opened that compels my wild heart to no longer just dip my toes in the water, but to dash and leap and plunge across to discover the voices of the land, the plants, the trees, the ancestors, and village, and the music of the world soul and the magic of tale that lives on the other side.

Please join me there if you’d like at:
Singing Deer Healing
and at
Moms Create Culture
… whichever path(s) call to you. Ultimately they are two expressions of the same pathway over the golden hill and into the bright country beyond.

Thank you for joining my story here. Gracias and many blessings as you walk your own story and experience its sweep of wondrous magic!


  1. wow Jane what a beautiful post. As i’ve read your posts over the year i feel a tandem a connection in our paths – and your insight has been inspiring.

    I love the line ‘re-story-ed myself to my own nature’ I’m going to dwell on that one, give it some non – thought so to say. Just have it hanging around and see what emerges.

    I’ll be coming over to visit at ‘Singing deer healing’

    be well,


  2. have so enjoyed your posts, your “re-story-ing yourself”! look forward to travels of a different sort… still pondering which path to take! hugs, tracy

  3. Jude and Tracy, thank you so much for your words! I must credit my bardic harp colleague Joan Almond for the word “re-story-ing”. When she voiced that to me awhile back I just felt the energy encoded in it reverberate through my imagination! I’m so honored that you’ve enjoyed my words and journeying, and that you may continue to “follow me whither I go”. Blessings! – Jane

  4. I love the phrase “the Otherworld of my heart,” Jane. I, too, am following this “otherworld” and am so inspired to read of your own seeking—-and need the reminders and encouragement of our strength to walk through the struggles and darkness, knowing that joy is there, that gifts will reveal themselves.

    Thank you so much for writing and sharing, and I will also look forward to whatever forms this may take.


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